Fine stories, exciting adventures, mysterious legends from the four corners of the world.

Printed Books &  e-Books

Senderos Books feature stories for young readers and for readers young at heart. Explore ancient secrets, enjoy humorous country adventures, discover untold world legends, take a journey to the magical side of life, read along with young children. Whichever adventure you choose, surely you will be delighted.

Photo Gallery of Catrinas

Welcome to a colorful dosplay of beautiful, life-size sculptures of Mexican Catrinas. These papier mâché figures are traditionally displayed during the Día de Muertos in many colonial towns. The photo gallery complements the book Catrina and Armando.

Free Picture Books for Kids

Here is a collection of nine picture books featuring animals from the Hummingbird Hill ranch. The stories were created for children 3~5 years old, and are great as companion readers. These nine e-books are free to view on this site.

Friends of Senderos Books

Meet our friends: talented artists, photographers, writes, and educatros.

We've provided links to their portfolios and a  description of their work. If you like art and positively minded people, you will like our friends.

We encourage you to visit their portfolios. You will be inspired!

Contact us at

Crafts for Kids

Here, you will find the printable patterns for  Paper Crafts Projects suggested on the back pages of the West Coast Stories

book series for childern.

Assembly instructions included.

All paterns are in the PDF format, free to download.